ABOUT... Vitalia

Vitalia was born to be at the service of the
The Mission is: connecting the past, present,
the future through the
Pasta Fresca. 


This is me Vito, the founder of Vitalia Head for a long time and today entrepreneur and Craftsman specializing in the production of fresh pasta and Italian sauces.

Honored and excited to continue this journey.
Life is a discovery.

ABOUT... the dough fresh Vitalia

Pasta Fresca Vitalia equilibrée feeding lightweight

It combines all the nutritional properties that it is necessary to assimilate to eat well. It contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vegetable proteins, minerals, vitamins, antioxdants.

It does not contain refined flour, animal protein, GMO, preservatives, additives.

Our Values

Authenticity, Sharing, Health

Of generation and generation are transmitted to the world the most beautiful version of Italy with integrity, lightness, commitment and devotion.

For me it is a heritage to share, to cherish, to be pampered.
The sincerity, the deep roots of this culture are our essence, that needs to grow healthily and to evolve harmoniously.

We bring the sharing, the joy, the ease of use .
We offer a healthy product.

We offer the authenticity Italian through humanity and love with ethics and professionalism.

Our service reflection of the Italian culinary tradition incorporating shades dining acquired in my career as a Chef.

the various proposals are the merger of authentic flavors and innovative.

Menu creative custom events


We offer the turn of the dough experience the joy of sharing, learning and having fun

Purpose of the workshop

  • Enhance the value of the share
  • Creates the sinergie between the participants

  • Have fun

  • Make new discovery

Shop customized on your request


Vito Vitalia offers you its experience and its know-how
to accompany you in the valuation of a card, local, territorial, fresh or gourmet.

Listening to fulfill your desires, desire, and success.
Today I have the pleasure to collaborate with the best chefs and hotels of the region.


  • La Pasta FRESCA VITALIA (pasta dietetics)
  • Fresh pasta gluten-free with the use of flour proteinée
  • Italian concept (share)
  • Method VITA
  • Cappuccino, latte macchiato, tiramisu VITALIA

Ask your service on sizes


Author of the book: Vita Vito Vitalia

A manual that tells a story of hardship and of a renaissance, even more through the 7 values of Life.

A journey of authentic Life, lived, exponential growth which makes us understand how much we all have the power of CHOOSE. 

To do nothing, which is always a choice, or to progress through the action, which is nothing other than the explosion of our values.

Values are our guidelines to lead a happy Life.

Now, the CHOICE belongs to you : read this book, use your heart, and visualize your values and run towards the happiness that you deserve.

The Method VITA

Vitalità-this is the vitality fundamental to live a Life happy.
The vitality allows us to channel all the time, our energy towards learning.

Three elements are part of it:
Enthusiasm, passion, gratitude 

The'impegno it is effort, crucial for the successful daily.
The effort allows us to move towards a better of us.

Three elements are part of it:
Discipline, study, authenticity 

It temperamento it is temperament, very important for the longevity of our project.
Allows us to maintain a mindset gloss and make good decisions.

Three elements are part of it:
Persistence, calmness, freedom

The amore is love, here it is in the department of self-giving.
It is the maximum that Life offers us and that we can offer to others.

Three elements are part of it:
Courage, sharing, contribution 


Request your path to success custom

Pasta fresca e Sughi Italiani

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